What if we could give our mobile app a facelift?
DonorPerfect Mobile
Nov 24, 2018

This was an exploratory project to see what we could do to give our current companion mobile app a bit of a facelift to look a bit more modern. Before taking it to task, I decided to focus on two main areas: payment processing and donor information.

As you can see here.. it leaves a bit to be desired.

I decided to try and revamp the whole thing to better highlight the more important information (their donors!) and make it more engaging overall:

How about presenting a card that updates dynamically?

Or a search the uses type-ahead to update search results as you type it in? I also added in ghosted search results to the right to let users know that more results would appear with a swipe.

Or a donor profile that uses the most out of it's real estate and incorporates a donor photo to make it more human? I also added a status indicator so they would know if their donor was active or not, and added in donation information so they can get a quick feel for their donor at a glance.

I threw in a settings screen for good measure - this one swiped in from the left.

I had a lot of fun creating these screens. If I were to continue working on this project, I would definitely make adjustments to ensure contrast accessibility and analyze the UI impact of the device keyboard. Unfortunately the company decided to not pursue an update to their mobile app due to business priorities - but it was an enjoyable process for me anyway.